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Out of curiosity, I decided to go through the LDS hymnbook to see how many hymns are actually LDS hymns and which have been borrowed. After checking the authors and composers list on page 387 of the LDS Hymnbook to see which are LDS and which are not, I found that there are 153 hymns written by LDS authors and composers (42 or so are new to this edition of the hymnal). Then, I found that there are 104 written by non-LDS authors and composers and 70 are written by either an LDS author and non-LDS composer, or vice versa. Of the 341 hymns, 14 are duplicates--found in the Women's and Men's Choirs section. It is inspiring to see that people of all Christian faiths have similar beliefs and ideals that they have expressed through verse and song.

Below are links that show the specific hymns under each category:


List of Hymns Written by LDS Authors and Composers - 153


List of Hymns Written by Non-LDS Authors and Composers - 104


List of Hymns Written by both LDS and Non-LDS Authors and Composers - 70



Click here to order "Resource List for Organists:  Arrangements & Accompaniments of Hymns in the LDS Hymnal"